We are planning on performing two plays:
—one shorter one to be performed at the ASK Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 16, at 10am
—and a longer play to be performed Friday, April 29, and Saturday, April 30.
***Everyone is welcome in our group, and everyone WILL be given a part! Open to anyone ages 12 and up.
—We will hold practices starting January 11, and will assign roles based on availability and performance at the first practice.
***If you are interested in this group, you must come on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, at 6:30pm, for the first set of “auditions”.
—Practices are probably going to be every Tuesday, beginning January 11, at 6:30pm- 7:45/8pm. (The cast of the shorter play may have some weeks off.)
We will meet in the auditorium of the Special Olympics Center. Park in the EAST lot and enter under the blue triangle roof. Head down the hall to the auditorium.
Please contact Pam to RSVP and if you have questions at PamLiggettASKC@gmail.com.